Friday, January 16, 2009

Miracles can happen

So I was talking to my mum the other day and she mentioned how my sister Mandy makes sure her baby, Faith, has 2 good naps in the day and then keeps her awake for the rest of the afternoon/evening so she goes to bed early... WHY this hasn't occured to me to do this before is beyond me. I think I always had good intentions but Marshall would often just fall asleep at 5ish and then I'd wonder why he didn't want to go to bed til midnight... WELL, I tried it the other day. Marshall had two 2-hour naps in the day and at 8 o'clock we noticed his head bobbing while he was sitting watching tv and playing with his toys. (We got it on video - so funny). Turns out he was so tired he'd fallen asleep sitting up. We put him in his bed and YES!!!!... he slept for 11 1/2 hours! YAY! He's done pretty good in the 2 nights since then and we're gonna continue with this routine. He still likes to wake up once in the night, but we're hoping this will phase out slowly, providing I can be strong and not get up with him when he SCREAMS at the top of his lungs in the middle of the night.


  1. I think that is a 1st time mum newbie mistake. I never let either of mine sleep past 5 unless they were teeny tiny cos they sleep all the time then. But Thomas was sleeping 13 hours a night at 10 weeks and Eli 12 hours a night by 6 weeks. This one had better be a good sleeper too!!

  2. Hey! I just found your blog! Now that we're not in the same ward anymore, it's fun to catch up with you and see what's going on. Sure miss seeing you around! Hope you've enjoyed your happy day!
